Tuesday 25 October 2016

File Integrity Monitoring- A Critical Component in PCI Compliance Software

The data breach without any detection has become a common threat in the field of data security. The impact of this breach when not detected for a long time is adverse for any organization dealing with sensitive data. Whether the breach is a voluntary attempt or an inadvertent fault by an expert user, the information security programs are designed to prevent such breaches.

The capability of any security information program is measured by its ability to quickly detect and fix data breaches. Lets us discuss the File integrity monitoring (FIM), an important part of payment card Industry’s data Security standard compliance.

Functions of File Integrity Monitoring-

The File Integrity Monitoring is highly functional at detecting any alterations and unauthorized access to system files. It performs the following functions

• It curtails the risk of breaches being conducted by insiders or expert users.

• It keeps the system stable by deterring the changes in system configuration by unauthorized and unplanned moves.

• It helps to enhance the performance of the system by checking the changes implemented outside the managed environment

• It helps to prevent Compliance Failure by carefully accessing the sensitive data and demonstrating due care.

Role of File Integrity Monitoring in PCI Compliance Software-

The Role of FIM is not only limited to preventing data breaches. It is also an imperative part of the PCI Compliance Software. The payment card companies such as MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover deal with the sensitive information pertaining to their customers. The businesses who manage the data security standard for these companies mentions FIM in their PCI DSS requirements. These requirements are basically a set of controls developed by the Payment card industry, which all businesses need to implement.

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